GiRl | PaSsIoNs PiX | BoReD | FaNfiCtIoN
Brittany W

I'm sitting on my glutious maximus typing and watching I Love Lucy. Today was boring and sadly to say the highlight was recieving a letter from Job Corps. I have been waiting for such good news for awhile because lately I've been feeling depressed and lonely. Honestly, I thought of killing myself because I was so overwhelmed with jealousy and envy of my friends good fortune. Sad I know. I actually wondered why God would let me suffer so much when I do my best to be good and do the right thing most of the time.

    Getting that letter really brightened my spirits and helped me to believe once again. The letter was from Job Corps and it told me that I had to call to set up an interview. I really am hoping the process goes by quickly. I don't want to wait 6 months to go into Job Corps. I might give up by then. Not feeling as blue as I once was and the color I'm thinking of now is YELLOW *lol* I don't know why....til next time. -Brittany