Brittany W


GiRl | PaSsIoNs PiX | BoReD | FaNfiCtIoN

Last night I dreamt about my deceased cousin Sarah. Sarah died in a fatal accident that took her life. She was 15 years old. I had alot of things I wish I would've said to her but I didn't instead I only have the pathetic chance of telling them to her in my dreams. Last night was the time that I told her everything I had never gotten to say. Wishful dreaming basically. The dream began with Sarah being alive and well but she was only going to live until the 6th or 7th of next month I believe then the doctors were going to inject her with a poisonous shot. Hey it's a dream how many of yours make sense? Anyways, I began crying and telling her how much I loved her and appreciated her and missed and wished we could have been close like were when we were little. She hugged me but didn't cry but the comfort of knowing she was alive and I got all that out to her seemed helpful. We then began talking and laughing with eachother like old times. I asked her what the name of the song that has been stuck in my head and continuously plays over and over non stop in my dreams(when Sarah's in them). It was a song that went like this: "If I never try/leave this world and never say goodbye/that don't mean I don't love you anymore." It was sung by a woman. The reason this song was so important to me is because while I was riding in the car with Sarah's mom after her death, she put in Sarah's tape that she always used to listen to and that song was Sarah's fave(note the lyrics). Anyways, Sarah did not answer me and I did not ask anymore. We all the sudden were riding in her sisters car and we went to the mall and were playing with toys and eating candy like we were kids again. Sarah dissapeared but I didn't seem to mind. I had said what needed to be said and I was satisfied. Something though I will say was pulling at me inside, saying Sarah was never coming back. All of the sudden I was in a HUGE bathroom and all of this acne showed up on my face. I'm not one to get pimples like these. They were everywhere! I don't know why this was a part of my dream but it was. I was startled by the 7:30 alarm clock and hated leaving my dream world and facing the reality that Sarah was dead. -RIP Sarah Leigh DeCoteau Aug. 26,1986-Feb. 19, 2002.