Heaven Is A Place On Earth


Heather's Story | JonBenet's Story | Cheryl Lynn's Story | Songs and Poems | Photo's | Memorabilia | Online Diary

Here you will find all of the information,memorabilia and anything else you ever wanted to know on Cheryl Lynn,Heather and Jonbenet. Enjoy!

Heather's Memorabilia Section

Heather's Grave

Heather's Obituary

Birth Certificate

Death Certificate

School Work and Letters

JonBenet's Memorabilia Section

JonBenet Grave


Psychic Sketch

Ransom Note

Stun Gun

Barbie Dolls


Cheryl Lynn's Memorabilia Section

Little Cheryl Lynn was cremated therefore she has no gravesite to visit that I know of. Her ashes were scattered in Arizona where her family resided in before she moved to Oregon where she was later killed.


A Broken Hearted Witness

Diane Downs-Predator

The Bushy Haired Stranger Sketch